As some of you know Jackson has quite the interesting life. He always manages to find himself in the worst predicaments. Well yesterday is no exception. At about 6:30 we noticed that he was dry heaving and then he started to yelp. At the same time his abdomen started to get really big. So we rushed him to the vet. They were not equipped to deal with him so they asked us to take him to the emergency vet hospital. SO we rushed him over there and they let us know that he has a condition called GDV or bloat. This condition is especially bad because if we had not caught it when we did he WOULD have died... As you can image we were very worried. Anyway, he was rushed into surgery. He had a 4 hour surgery. They found that his stomach was flipped 180 degrees and it was bruised. They also found that his spleen was detached. So they pined his stomach and spleen back in place and he made it through the surgery great. We have to say a big thank you to Dr. Murphy from WestVet. He has been an amazing vet for our Jackson. He literally saved Jacksons life this time. We are so greatful! Jackson came home today at 4:30 and is hurting but seems to be in moving toward the healing process. We are so thankful for all of the positive thoughts and prayers for him. We needed it! We feel very fortuate to have him still with us today!