I decided to create a blog to keep friends and family updated on what is going on with Brent, myself, and the zoo we have around our house. We have another blog that I can't figure out how to get into. So this is our new one.
Here's our update. Brent is working a lot!!! He is really dedicated to his job and is working hard to get his caseload updated. He is in the middle of survey so it is a very stressful time for him. Keep your fingers crossed for him. He really has put in about a million hours in the last month. He is a busy man.
I am also pretty busy. I am about two weeks away from finishing my second semester in grad school. This semester has been really hard and has caused me to really focus on reading and writing. I have really had to improve in both of those areas. I hope it pays off.
The cats are doing great. They are happy and seem to have adjusted to Idaho. The dogs are great. We love having them in our lives. Ruby has been taking a training class through Scotch Pines dog training. She is about to graduate in two weeks. So far she has responded really well to this type of training. For those of you how knew her when she was a little puppy you know how crazy she was. She really has changed and is much more fun to be around. She and I take a walk everyday together. In fact she is completely off leash now. She does well for the most part. She does have a tendency to bolt at times. Take for example today. We had just started our walk and she took off and ran in the middle of this field. I felt bad because the field looked like it had just been plowed. Long story short she finally stopped running away from me and I corrected her . We then continued on our way. She didn't bolt at all the rest of the time. We ended up doing about three miles today. In fact we really ran most of the way.
I have been asked a lot how my running is going. I am sad to say that I have really neglected that aspect of my life sense I started school. However, I started to run yesterday and really enjoyed it. Ruby and I did two miles yesterday and we did three today. I am hoping to keep up my running through the winter. I want to get back into it. I love to run and be outside. I just need to make it a priority.
Anyway, that is about all that is going on with our little family. I will do my best to keep this blog updated once a week or so. So check back often to see whats up with us.