I have to start about by saying that I would not consider myself a very good singer. That being said I am equally not very rhythmic, so when I heard about a gospel workshop happening I thought that it would be a good cultural experience for me. Even though I am not gifted with a wonderful voice my mom is. I thought that this workshop would be right up her ally. I was right! When I was growing I sang with my mom at church, in the car, at home, and ever where but else but over the years our opportunities to sing together have really become obsolete. We live so far a part that it really makes it difficult to get together. She came to Idaho to see me and participate in the workshop. As it turns out I ended up participating as well. We spent Saturday morning and afternoon learning eight songs well maybe some more. What a neat way to sing. I was never a trained singer and I don't know how to read music. My mom on the other had has the most beautiful voice and is very very well trained. We both wondered what it would be like and had really no idea what to expect. I think that the workshop exceeded our expectations and was a real blessing for us. Not only did it bring us together but it also allowed us to sing a style of music that neither one of us sings very often or ever in my case. It truly was a wonderful time of reflection and peace. Over the last year or more both my mom and I have experienced some big loses, changes, and hard times. This weekend was a great opportunity to reflect on what we have been through and see how God has had his hand in it all. No matter how hard things get we will be taken care of.
Not only did we get to learn new songs and but we got a chance to share those songs in the form of a concert. I was
sooooo nervous but managed to keep it together. We sang to a lot of people and it was so much fun. We had a few mistakes but at the director stated not many choirs can learn that many songs and sing them with out a little slip up or two. The concert really went quite well for the little time we had to practice. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn more about the African-American culture and to spend some time with my mom! What a neat experience. I hope to have more of these in the feature.
Mom I love you! It was so special to have you come see me this weekend and sing with you! I had so much fun! Come see me again soon!