Friday, June 10, 2011

Time flies when you are having fun!

WOW I can hardly believe that Abigail is three months and three weeks old! The time has just flown by. We have been very busy and that is why I have neglected the blog. But I wanted to give an update while I had a minute (she's taking a nap). Abigail is so active! She is 15lbs and 1oz! Healthy girl :) She is 23 inches long. She can roll from front to back and is working on rolling from back to front. She has it about half way! She loves to be social (just like her mommy :)) She talks all the time and someday we hope to understand what she is saying! She is the happiest baby we have ever met and loves to look at peoples faces. She is laughing now which we have to say brings tears to our eyes. She is such a joy and we are continually amazed that we have been chosen to be her parents. 
We have had lots of changes over the last three months. Right after returning from Texas we found out that Katie had to return to work :( Abigail was 14 days old at that point... So we started working on a plan to have Katie be able to stay home. A big thank you to Katie's Mom Margi for moving in with us for 6 weeks to help out and to Hart's for helping with child care as well. We ended up being able to have Abigail go to Little Luke's at Katie's work for a little over a month while we worked on our plan. We prayed and prayed for a solution to this as we felt so strongly about having Katie stay home with Abigail. Out of the blue Brent was offered a promotion at his work!!!! This came with a pay raise that is just enough to allow for Katie to stay home. Both of us were so shocked and grateful. Thank the Lord for this huge answer to prayer. Brent has been busy getting used to his new position at work and this has come with a lot of stress! Katie is so grateful for all his hard work and is getting used to her new role in life. This too is stressful but in a much different way. Katie is loving her new role and so excited about being able to care for her family in this way. 
So other exciting things have happened over the last three months. Katie finally walked in graduation!!! She graduated with honors and was surrounded with the List side of the family. Well all of them but David's kids (we missed having them join us, but we did get to Skype with them!). The Hart's had to make a trip to California on graduation day because Matt and Lisa had their BABY! They had a little girl Bellamy Jean. She is just precious. We have not been able to make the trip down to California to meet her but we will be going down next month to meet her :) Katie got to celebrate her first Mother's Day and this month Brent will get to celebrate Father's Day for the first time. These holidays used to bring so much sadness for us but now we get to CELEBRATE!!!! What fun! So enough type lets get to the pictures :)


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